Mildmay Uganda

In sub-Saharan Africa, girls and young women are disproportionately affected by HIV, accounting for 74% of new infections. In Uganda, where 1.4 million people live with HIV, adolescent girls and young women are particularly vulnerable, with 500 new infections occurring weekly. Factors like gender-based violence, limited access to education and health services, and inadequate social protection increase their risk of contracting HIV. Research shows that young women who have experienced intimate partner violence are 50% more likely to acquire HIV compared to those who have not.

To address these challenges, Mildmay Uganda has been implementing the Determined Resilient Empowered AIDS-free, Mentored & Safe (DREAMS) initiative, supported by CDC/PEPFAR. This comprehensive program offers evidence-based biomedical, social, and economic interventions for adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) aged 10 to 24. The goal is to reduce HIV incidence and empower these young women to build healthier, more secure futures.

Jolly’s story is a powerful example of how DREAMS is transforming lives. "We have our lives in our control now," Jolly says, her smile radiant with confidence. Along with five friends, she has experienced a remarkable turnaround thanks to the DREAMS program.

Jolly’s journey began at the DREAMS safe space in Nama, Mityana District, where she received life-changing news. "I couldn’t believe what the health worker told me," she recalls. 

"'Jolly, you are HIV negative.' ‘Olimulamu’—meaning ‘you are alive’ in our local language—was a turning point for me."

Enrolled in the DREAMS program, Jolly received vocational training and agricultural skills, which empowered her to set up a vegetable garden at home and raise goats. "I can now afford necessities," she says, reflecting on her newfound financial independence. "I’m determined not to return to a life of uncertainty."

But Jolly’s impact goes beyond her personal transformation. She has become a mentor for other girls and young women, sharing her experiences and encouraging them to make positive choices. Her inspiring journey has resonated with her community, making her a role model to both girls and boys. Jolly credits her success to the support and opportunities provided by the DREAMS initiative.

The DREAMS program has made significant strides, reaching:

  • 22,027 young girls with a comprehensive DREAMS package, including vocational skills.
  • 240,305 young girls and their caregivers with education on gender-based violence (GBV) and violence against children (VAC).
  • 13,926 individuals with social and economic strengthening services.

In addition to HIV prevention and treatment, DREAMS addresses poverty and educational deficits by providing education subsidies, vocational training (in fields such as male-dominated trades like welding), and support for those at risk of engaging in transactional sex. The holistic approach, which includes HIV screening, counseling, and community-based prevention efforts, equips young women with the tools to avoid risky behaviors and embrace opportunities for a better future.

Jolly’s journey highlights the profound impact of the DREAMS initiative in empowering young women. By equipping them with skills and support, DREAMS is helping to build a brighter future for these girls and their communities.

Mildmay’s Bold Impact: Donate to support us in reaching more young girls through our livelihood program.

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